1908 Baist Atlas
View FullscreenThis project is collaboration between Paul Mullins, Department of Anthropology in the School of Liberal Arts; Kisha Tandy, Library and Information Science lecturer, and Andrea Copeland, Department of Library and Information Science in the School of Informatics and Computing; and, Danita Davis, Digital Services Specialist, Krishna Devanpally, and, Sonja Lehman, Librarian, Director, Herron Art Library of IUPUI University Library. In 2018, the Indiana Landmarks granted non-exclusive rights to the Herron Art Library to digitize their photo collection of the buildings that inhabited the IUPUI campus in the pre-1975.
Students in the special topics class, “Digital History and Community Change in Indianapolis” are creating digital exhibits based on the lives of the individuals that once lived in these homes using primary source materials. The purpose of this project and the class is to explore racial displacement and urban transformation on Indianapolis' downtown canal and to encourage a critical inquiry into IUPUI’s 50th Anniversary and IU’s Bicentennial Celebration.
This program has been made possible through a Historic Preservation Education Grant from Indiana Landmarks, Indiana Humanities, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.